Congeal the heart and gather the strength to show the elegant demeanour -2020 "tianmao cup" men's basketball friendship competition

In order to celebrate the victory of anti-epidemic novel coronavirus, on the afternoon of April 15, 2020, "tianmao cup" men's basketball friendship competition began with the fierce match in the company's basketball court.

The participating teams are "vulcan team" and "Thor team". Before the competition, the referee would explain the rules.what was more important,team members took an active part in the game with the purpose of cultivating their “sportsman spirit” of friendship first,match second.In the process of the game, you chased me, exhausted struggle, rapid running, covering for the teammates , but also from time to time with the subtle passing, beautiful cooperation and wonderful layup, rebound, the atmosphere of the game to the peak, through fierce competition, eventually, the vulcan team won the game.

The competition fully embodied the competitive spirit of physical education of the company's employees,and enriched their amateur cultural life,created a positive, hard work spirit atmosphere, and enhanced the cohesion and fighting capacity of the team.

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